with Heather Moulder, J.D.
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Life & Law Podcast
The go-to lawyer podcast for how to achieve success in both law + life (because you shouldn’t have to sacrifice personal happiness for professional success).
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The lawyer podcast for attorneys ready to ditch the hustle-and-grind.

Weekly podcast for lawyers who want:
- concrete business strategies,
- actionable leadership tips, and
- proven mindset tools,
for building a successful law practice around the life you actually want to live.
Because you shouldn’t have to keep putting in more time, more energy, more of you only to feel less in control, be less confident and see less of those you love most.
And truth is, you didn’t take this path to be less.
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Get the mindset, leadership and business insight you need for getting to your next level of success (without working more hours or pushing yourself harder).
#188: Deep-Dive Into What’s Really Causing The Legal Profession’s Burnout Problem
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#187: Dealing With Adversity (What To Do When Hard Times Hit)
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#186: How To Slow Down (& Why Every Lawyer Needs To Slow Down)
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#185: Should Lawyers Stick To Legal & Business Topics On LinkedIn?
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#184: Lawyer Impostor Syndrome (Need Not Be A Negative)
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Episode #183: What Did 2024 Teach Me?
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Hey there, I’m Heather Moulder.
Recovering (18+ year) lawyer turned lawyer leadership & business coach. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic. Cancer survivor. Believer in living boldly.
After 25+ combined years of lawyering, mentoring and coaching lawyers, I’ve come to realize that real success – the kind that brings happiness and fulfillment – is created from the inside-out.
Which is why my proven success framework is grounded in mindset and customized to each individual’s needs, values and strengths.
My job is to help you get clear around – and then go live – your version of success.
Serving Clients At & Worked With

EP. 2
The Truth About Lawyer Stress (& What To Do About It) →
EP. 12
How To Redefine Success From the Inside-Out →
EP. 24
Setting Boundaries: Why They Lead to Success →
EP. 89
How To Overcome 3 Common Business Development Challenges →
EP. 97
LinkedIn Lawyer Marketing →

The lawyer podcast for mastering the work-life-business-of-law juggling act.
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