Episode 50: What I Learned Last Year (To Supercharge Your 2022 Success)

by Heather Moulder | Life & Law Podcast

Success doesn’t come without making (more than) a few mistakes. And with success (and so-called failures) come some big lessons learned.

Which is why I’m sharing the top 5 lessons I learned this past year throughout my struggles, mistakes, successes and (yes) failures. These lessons (if incorporated into your life) will help you make 2022 even better.

    Here’s What You’ll Get From The Lessons Learned From Me Last Year:

    • Why hard work need not feel hard (and how to make it more fun).
    • When to go with your gut (and let go of what the ‘norm’ is) – this one is SO IMPORTANT for us lawyers to remember.
    • When scared/worried to invest money in something (you know you need), how to go deeper so that you can determine what’s really behind it (hint: it might not be just about the money).
    • Why serving others to the best of your ability doesn’t include giving away the farm (or too much).
    • How to make your biggest impact (and why that doesn’t need to be as ‘big’ as you think).

    Link Mentioned In This Episode + Other Recommended Podcast Episodes:

    Ready to Increase Originations + Income (Not Stress Levels)?

    Are you a partner, shareholder or of counsel attorney looking to grow your book of business by leaps and bounds this year? Interested in high-level support + strategic brainstorming to help you get there faster?

    Go >>> here to check out and apply for ELEVATE Attorney Business Mastermind, and start to see results like the following (of past ELEVATE members):

    • More than doubling originations.
    • Transforming business development into an enjoyable, consistent activity.
    • Starting a new side-business that feeds work into your legal practice.

    Get more information about and apply for ELEVATE here.

    [Or email me at heather@heathermoulder.com with your questions.]



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