Episode 17: Navigating A Mindful Parental Leave (Part 2)

by Heather Moulder | Life & Law Podcast


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In Part 2 of our parental leave discussion with guest Lori Mihalich-Levin, we’re talking about what employers and managers can do to help their employees take & return from parental leave mindfully (and why that’s so important).  And we also talk about how Dads can take leave too!

[Miss Part 1? Go here to find out how to take (and return from) parental leave without guilt or stress.]

Although the context of my chat with Lori is about how to take parental leave after your child is born, it’s applicableto ANY leave of absence.

So I encourage you to listen no matter your life stage or future intentions. [I certaintly wish I’d had this information back when I took my cancer leave of absence].

In today’s Life & Law Podcast episode you’ll:

  • Learn how men can (and why they should) take advantage of parental leave policies.
  • Discover what employers & managers can do differentaly and/or better.
  • Learn what management can do to help their employees have a smoother leave and return experience.
  • Discover the difference between policies and cultural norms (and why understanding this difference matters).
  • Learn how an organization can know if its policies are having their intended effect and what to do if they aren’t.

Links Mentioned In This Episode:

About Guest Lori Mihalich-Levin

Lori is a partner in the health care practice at Dentons, the founder & creator of Mindful Return, and author of Back to Work After Baby: How to Plan and Navigate a Mindful Return from Maternity Leave.

Connect with Lori here:

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