Episode 2: The Truth About Lawyer Stress

by Heather Moulder | Life & Law Podcast


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Is lawyer stress just part of being a lawyer?  In my experience, most attorneys think that it is (and so do very little to properly manage or prevent it).

The good news is that this common belief is wrong.  Not only can you learn how to properly manage stress and anxiety, but you can even prevent stress from ever occurring.  Even as a high-achieving lawyer.

But to do that, you must first understand:

  • the science of stress,
  • how lawyers are trained to BE stressed (and why that’s important for counteracting lawyer stress), and
  • where most stress (and especially lawyer stress) originates from.


Here’s What You’ll Learn In The Truth About Lawyer Stress:

  • How your brain works (and why – if not properly understood and managed – this creates stress and anxiety).
  • Why lawyer stress and anxiety is so much higher than that of the general population.
  • 3 keys to proper stress management.
  • The #1 thing you can start doing NOW to drastically reduce stress levels.
  • 3 simple mindset strategies for effective stress management and (even better) long-term stress prevention.

Links Mentioned In This Episode:

Later Episodes That Will Additionally Help:

Lawyer Career Coaching From A Lawyer Who’s Been There

Let go of doing it all. Trust your instincts again. Keep things simple. Build the legal career you really want.  So that you can succeed in BOTH life and law.

Go here to learn how Heather can help you through her 1:1 lawyer career coaching/consulting.

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