Ready to get to your next level of success + impact?
Whether in private practice or in-house (and regardless of how long you’ve been practicing), there’s something here for you. Choose your desired resource(s) below.
Master Your Legal Mindset
Banish lawyer burnout with 10 evidence-based stress management & mindset tools that rewire your mind to think, feel and BE your best.
Business Systems Framework
Checklist for building simple business systems for getting more done in your business (correctly) without you having to be the one to do it all.
Business Plan Checklist
Learn how to sharpen your business ideas and create a strategic business plan for taking your practice to the next level.
Client Development Blueprint
Create a simple, strengths-based client development plan you actually enjoy (& can stick with) to grow your business to $1MM+.
“Heather will help you get your practice to the next level without losing yourself in the process.”
Jim Chester | Partner, Klemchuk LLP
“The thing I love most about Heather is how she gives concrete business strategies that keep your values in mind and minimize stress.”
Lauren Handel | Principal Attorney, Handel Food Law LLP
The podcast for lawyers ready to master the work-life-business-of-law juggling act.
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