Episode 120: What To Do About The Lawyer Mental Health Crisis

by Heather Moulder | Life & Law Podcast

Is there a lawyer mental health crisis? Look at the following statistics and you tell me:

  • Lawyers are 3.6x more likely to suffer from depression than the average non-lawyer.
  • More than half of all attorneys say they’re stressed all or most of the time.
  • 74% of surveyed attorneys said that the legal profession has had a negative impact on their mental health.

The question isn’t whether there’s a mental health crisis but what to do about it.

It’s time to quit talking and start doing more to end this crisis. Which is exactly what we’re getting into today.

What’s covered in today’s episode about what to do about the lawyer mental health crisis:

  • The #1 thing to start focusing on (and 2 things to let go of) that will drastically improve your mental health.
  • Why being more intentional is the key to improving your mental health.
  • How to use 3 common mindset and stress management tools differently for effective long-term stress prevention (instead of just managing current stress).

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