Episode 119: Your Vision Vs. Real-Life (Avoiding The Lawyer Paradox)

by Heather Moulder | Life & Law Podcast

Do you suffer from what I call the Lawyer Paradox? You start out energized, with a big vision about making an impact yet (after following all the “rules” to success) you end up feeling…




Paper-success isn’t enough. Because too many “successful” attorneys have:

  • Broken marriages.
  • Frayed relationships with their children.
  • Higher-than-average rates of anxiety, depression and substance abuse.
  • A nagging feeling that they’re not making a real impact.

They’re in the middle of the Lawyer Paradox.

In the middle of it yourself and want out? Or want to ensure you never end up in it? Today’s episode is for you.

Inside Today’s Life & Law Podcast Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How lawyers end up feeling disillusioned with their practices (and the legal profession) when they started out so full of purpose.
  • The ONE key to overcoming – and avoiding – the Lawyer Paradox.
  • Practical ways (with real-life examples) for how to build a fulfilling and profitable practice without sacrificing your health, relationships or sanity.

Want To Build A Values-Based, Sustainable Long-Term Practice (You Actually Enjoy)?

Learn how ELEVATE Attorney Business Mastermind can help and get on the waitlist >>>here.


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