Feel less motivated than you once did about your practice? Do you look back on your younger self (whether it’s 20, 8 or 2 years ago) and think “Where did that confident, inspired attorney go?” Ready to recharge you AND your practice (so you can once again feel motivated and inspired)?

Today’s Life & Law Podcast episode was recorded for you because we’re talking about how this happened and – more importantly – how to “get your mojo back” (as one of my clients put it).

Here’s What You’ll Learn Inside How To Recharge You & Your Practice:

  • Practical ways (with real-life examples) on how to align your practice and life around your values.
  • Why it’s okay if this feels messy (and how to have fun with it).
  • The 3 main focus areas to quickly improve your motivation levels and make practicing law more enjoyable.

Ready To Build The Practice You Want Around Your Ideal Lifestyle?

Learn how ELEVATE Attorney Business Mastermind can help (and get on the waitlist) >>>here.


Subscribe now so that you don’t miss an episode!

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