Heather holding a coffee cup


Podcast for lawyers ready to get to the next level without sacrificing you in the process.

Because life as a lawyer should be fun.

#123: 1 Thing That Will Recharge You & Your Business

#123: 1 Thing That Will Recharge You & Your Business

Feel less motivated than you once did about your practice? Do you look back on your younger self (whether it's 20, 8 or 2 years ago) and think "Where did that confident, inspired attorney go?" Ready to recharge you AND your practice (so you can once again feel...

#122: Every Lawyer Should Let Go Of This 1 Belief

#122: Every Lawyer Should Let Go Of This 1 Belief

Do you suffer from all-or-nothing thinking? If you ever find yourself saying or thinking… Failure is not an option, I must achieve everything (usually within a short timeframe) or I’ve failed, and/or This must be perfect (or else it’s %&*#). ... Then you are. And...

121: #1 Way To Grow Your Business (Any Lawyer Can Do)

121: #1 Way To Grow Your Business (Any Lawyer Can Do)

If you're a private practice attorney who wants to grow your business, what's the #1 thing you should be doing? No matter whether you’re a 2nd year attorney trying to figure out how to practice, an 8-year senior attorney hoping to be promoted to partnership soon, or a...

#120: What To Do About The Lawyer Mental Health Crisis

#120: What To Do About The Lawyer Mental Health Crisis

Is there a lawyer mental health crisis? Look at the following statistics and you tell me: Lawyers are 3.6x more likely to suffer from depression than the average non-lawyer. More than half of all attorneys say they’re stressed all or most of the time. 74% of surveyed...

#119: Your Vision Vs. Real-Life (Avoiding The Lawyer Paradox)

#119: Your Vision Vs. Real-Life (Avoiding The Lawyer Paradox)

Do you suffer from what I call the Lawyer Paradox? You start out energized, with a big vision about making an impact yet (after following all the "rules" to success) you end up feeling... Unfulfilled. Unhappy. Unmotivated. Paper-success isn't enough. Because too many...

#118: Do You Money-Shame Yourself?

#118: Do You Money-Shame Yourself?

Do you money-shame yourself? Money-shaming is when you feel embarrassed or guilt around the money you make (and wanting to make more)? It's common among attorneys, and needs to stop. Maybe you admit that you want to increase your book of business and revenues. But you...

#117 Why You Need Business Systems

#117 Why You Need Business Systems

Let's talk business systems. Before your eyes glaze over, stick with me because although systematizing might sound boring I promise it's anything but. The benefits are life-changing (and note: I do NOT use that phrase lightly). The good news is you likely have a few...

#116: Do You Have To Choose Between Money And Balance?

#116: Do You Have To Choose Between Money And Balance?

As a lawyer, do you believe you have to choose between money and balance? As if it's an either/or choice (you can have one but not both because the practice of law just won't allow it). Most attorneys I know believe this. Even those that don't admit it out loud. But...

A podcast for lawyers ready to become happily successful.

Heather Moulder in kitchen wearing light purple top

Hey there, I’m Heather Moulder, a former Big Law partner (with 18+ years of experience) turned lawyer coach who traded in my $2.5MM practice to help lawyers achieve balanced success. Because life as a lawyer shouldn’t require you to sacrifice your health, relationships or sanity.

Create the lawyer life you actually want.

Get weekly proven strategies for success in law and life, based on my 25+ years of combined experience as a practicing lawyer and lawyer coach.


Balanced Lifestyle

Business Growth

Legal Marketing

Inside-Out Success

Leadership Development

Mindset Mastery



The Podcast For Soon-To-Be Happy Lawyers

Helping lawyers master the work-life-business-of-law juggling act so that life as a lawyer can be fun.