Create A Balanced Lifestyle

Whether you’re in Big Law, a member of a small firm or in-house (and regardless of how long you’ve been practicing law), you deserve to have a balanced lifestyle without feeling like you’ve had to settle. Learn how with these Life & Law Podcast episodes.

#101: How To Figure Out Who You Are

#101: How To Figure Out Who You Are

On the path to achieving things, it's easy for high-achievers like you to forget who you are. Perhaps - because you’ve always aimed to please others while working to achieve the “next thing” - you’ve never known. It’s time to figure it who you are. Because regardless...

#96: Stop Your Wandering Mind, Be Present

#96: Stop Your Wandering Mind, Be Present

Having trouble with a wandering mind? Do you often find yourself: Thinking about all the things you need to get done when in the middle of a conversation? Getting distracted by work thoughts when with family and friends? Frustrated by how often your mind wanders when...

#86: You’re Not The Only One (Lawyer Depression & Burnout)

#86: You’re Not The Only One (Lawyer Depression & Burnout)

Lawyer depression and burnout is too common. And the stats back it up. According to (the widely discussed) 2016 survey conducted by the ABA: 28 percent lawyers reported suffering from depression, 19 percent of lawyers reported having severe anxiety, and 11.4 percent...

#84: Yes, You Can Meditate (Meditation For Lawyers)

#84: Yes, You Can Meditate (Meditation For Lawyers)

You understand why meditation for lawyers is a good thing, and yet... you can't shut off your brain long enough to meditate and think it's just not for you. I have good news: you don't have to shut off your brain. And you CAN meditate. Join me and guest Lexlee Overton...

#83: What To Do When Feeling Overwhelmed

#83: What To Do When Feeling Overwhelmed

What can you do when feeling overwhelmed? Especially since we're  heading into the holiday season. Which for many of us lawyers (sadly) means… More pressure. Mental exhaustion. Total overwhelm. Instead of gutting through, doubling down and driving yourself (and...

#79: My #1 Success Strategy

#79: My #1 Success Strategy

Discover why building a strategic support network is my #1 success strategy for achieving what you want in BOTH law and life. Perhaps you don't think of this as a strategy... but I argue it is. Because to have the right support network, you must be proactive and...

#77: Hard Work Isn’t Enough (Success Tip)

#77: Hard Work Isn’t Enough (Success Tip)

The work-hard-to-succeed myth is strong within our culture. And yes, I called it a myth. Because hard work isn't enough. Sometimes it’s just not in the cards. Other times someone else works even harder. And also: you might work hard on the wrong things. Additionally,...

#76: Increase Revenues, Time & Freedom With Systems

#76: Increase Revenues, Time & Freedom With Systems

Want to increase revenues for your law practice without spending more time working? How about saving yourself time while you're at it (and increasing the amount of freedom you have)? That's exactly what we're getting into today with Guest Allison Williams. She loves...

#75: 3 Big Myths Making You Miserable

#75: 3 Big Myths Making You Miserable

Do you believe in work life balance? What about having it all? Do you think that success requires sacrifice? Before answering, dig deep and ask whether your gut reaction is the truth. Because - in my experience - most people who claim: work life balance is a myth,...

A podcast for lawyers ready to become happily successful.

Heather Moulder in kitchen wearing light purple top

Hey there, I’m Heather Moulder, a former Big Law partner (with 18+ years of experience) turned lawyer coach who traded in my $2.5MM practice to help lawyers achieve balanced success. Because life as a lawyer shouldn’t require you to sacrifice your health, relationships or sanity.

Create the lawyer life you actually want.

Get weekly proven strategies for success in law and life, based on my 25+ years of combined experience as a practicing lawyer and lawyer coach.

Recent Episodes

Heather holding a coffee cup

Hey there, I’m Heather

Recovering lawyer. Leadership & Business Coach. Cancer Survivor.

My 18+ years in private practice while building a values-based, profitable business taught me that you CAN have a successful and fulfilling legal career without sacrificing your health, relationships or boundaries.

And I’m here to show you how.

Because you deserve to achieve more of what YOU want… Without all the stress and overthinking.