Effective Productivity Strategies

Just about every lawyer who has ever practiced wants to be more productive. Listen to these Life & Law Podcast Episodes for effective (and in some cases, surprising) strategies that will quickly improve your productivity.

#44: My #1 Secret Ingredient To Accomplish Your Goals

#44: My #1 Secret Ingredient To Accomplish Your Goals

If you want to accomplish your goals this next year, then I highly recommend that you get VERY intentional in how you choose your goals and plan for how to achieve them. You need a good system for approaching your goal planning and setting process. Which is what we're...

#43: Avoid These 5 Goal-Setting Mistakes

#43: Avoid These 5 Goal-Setting Mistakes

It's the time of year to start thinking about your goals for next year. But before doing that, be sure NOT to make some common goal-setting mistakes (that I see A LOT in my coaching). Which is why I'm covering common goal setting mistakes that can lead you to... set...

#32 How To Prepare For Your Annual Review

#32 How To Prepare For Your Annual Review

It's already that time of year. . . when you're being asked to do a self-evaluation in preparation for your annual review.  But do you know how to prepare for your annual review? There's a right (and wrong) way to prepare for your annual review. And if you're serious...

#29: Stress-Free Living (3 Tools To Calm Your Mind)

#29: Stress-Free Living (3 Tools To Calm Your Mind)

Is stress-free living possible?  Yes. . . if you understand what that really means. Obviously things won't always go your way. And unexpected events/circumstances will occur.  Which is stressful. But if you know how to take control and effectively manage it, then...

#23: Reach Your Goals (Mid-Year Goal Review)

#23: Reach Your Goals (Mid-Year Goal Review)

If you want to reach your goals, it's important to check-in from time to time to determine where you are and what changes you want to make as a result.  Because. . . you don't have complete control over your results, circumstances change, and things can take longer...

A podcast for lawyers ready to become happily successful.

Heather Moulder in kitchen wearing light purple top

Hey there, I’m Heather Moulder, a former Big Law partner (with 18+ years of experience) turned lawyer coach who traded in my $2.5MM practice to help lawyers achieve balanced success. Because life as a lawyer shouldn’t require you to sacrifice your health, relationships or sanity.

Create the lawyer life you actually want.

Get weekly proven strategies for success in law and life, based on my 25+ years of combined experience as a practicing lawyer and lawyer coach.

Recent Episodes

Heather holding a coffee cup

Hey there, I’m Heather

Recovering lawyer. Leadership & Business Coach. Cancer Survivor.

My 18+ years in private practice while building a values-based, profitable business taught me that you CAN have a successful and fulfilling legal career without sacrificing your health, relationships or boundaries.

And I’m here to show you how.

Because you deserve to achieve more of what YOU want… Without all the stress and overthinking.